Join us for Keystone Merge on April 4th in Lancaster at the Candy Factory. Come support two local entrepreneurs as they share a 10-minute presentation about their business.
Keystone Merge is always the first Thursday of the month at 5pm.
Register to join us in person or on Facebook LIVE—
stream starts at 5:15pm, presentations start at 5:20pm.
Spencer McCreary
Founder of: Public Disco Porch
Trying to build the foundation of a band that champions the local scene for nothing but the betterment of one another. The songs sing of being a good neighbor, taking care of the land we stand on, and the water we drink. The only mission of Public Disco Porch is to redirect any light that falls onto the self, back onto the folks who are collaborating and doing the work for our hometown. We might be all we got, one another, so if music song is all I have to offer the world, how can I best utilize it as a tool.
Greatest Challenge:
Marketing everything but the self, in a self promotion fueled industry.
Mark Rhodes
Founder of: Mark & Val Wines
Mark and Val Wines exist to provide high-quality, affordable wine to urban communities while celebrating black culture and ownership. We offer a diverse selection of wines at accessible price points, made possible through our direct relationships with growers. Our wines showcase unique varietals and blends only sometimes found in urban markets. As a black-owned brand, we take pride in bringing winemaking into the community and giving back. We aim to expand the urban wine market and empower future generations of black winemakers and consumers.
Greatest Challenge:
Distribution. Increase production and reaching out to copackers.
Drinks and Hors D’oeuvres
Welcome and Introductions
Entrepreneur #1: 10min pres. + 10min Q&A
Entrepreneur #2: 10min pres. + 10min Q&A
Parking Lot on Site
Thank you to our community partners who help spread the word and create meaningful conversation at our events.